Fasting time

Oct 08, 2008 22:04

It's now officially Yom Kippur. Well, it was officially Yom Kippur several hours ago at 6.10pm but I was busy helping my sister with computery stuffs and wasn't able to post till now. For those of you who don't know, Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement and is traditionally commemorated with a 25 hour fast. And also spending the whole day in shul but I don't do that bit because I'm a bad Jew. At least I don't break my fast with a bacon butty or something like that. Anyway, there's more information on Yom Kippur here if you're interested and I hope some of you will be because learning is fun!

Last year, if I remember correctly, I found the fast particularly hard and put it down to the effects of T being stronger that year than previously. I'm hoping it shouldn't be so bad this year. I'm more used to T now with being on it coming up three years now and so a lot of the initial puberty-ness is wearing off. Or at least, I'd like to think it is.

So I have tomorrow off so that I can starve in the comfort of my own home. I've also got Friday off because from past experience, fasting for that long always makes me feel really tired and drained the following day, and going to work on a Friday after a day off is just silly. *ahem* So that gives me a four day weekend! Much yay. Obviously the yay will start after the fast is over which is 7.20pm Thursday night. I don't have anything planned, although I am considering going to the Record Office either on Friday or Saturday - this is the only Saturday in October that it will be open, as its weekend opening hours are just the second Saturday in the month. I didn't get to go last month as I was away at the Youth Pride Games; that was a little bit annoying because I've been wanting to go back and continue my genealogy research for the past few weeks. Maybe this month!

Talking of travel plans though, I saw something interesting on a website a few days ago and I'm trying to find it again. It was a widget type of thing from a site called something like dobbler or doppler, and it showed a list of places you were going in the near future. I've tried Googling but I can't find anything. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

jewish, genealogy, apple

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