New Endings and New Beginnings - Today's Recap, 3/16/10

Mar 16, 2010 15:51

Okay, so...I'm just gonna say it flat out.

The boys broke up today.

I've known for a long while that it was coming. And I'd like to say, on a side note, that Van and Jake did such a good job with it, they really did. That ending part, with the hugging and the "Same here"? God. Rip my heart out ( Read more... )

chris, bob/kim, recap post, katie, luke/noah, vienna, doc oliver, jacob, alison, written by g, henry/barbara

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Comments 21

jyl22075 March 16 2010, 20:58:25 UTC
I just posted this on my LJ, but that was seriously the most beautiful break-up I've ever seen.


cookie1223 March 16 2010, 22:34:59 UTC
yeah so sad :(
And so good at the same time :(
No one will convince me that it's completely over !!


g_and_honey March 17 2010, 03:30:46 UTC
Totally. I absolutely agree. I love that it wasn't a shouting match. Instead, it was heartbreaking honesty. :-(



that kiss needs a fic btwplzkthnxbye samurailatoya March 16 2010, 22:14:56 UTC
Yeah, with the boys? OMG, they killed me dead. The break-up didn't tear my heart as bad as I thought, too. Though Luke's woobie!faces made me wanna hug him FOREVER. That kiss literally made me go, "DAY-UMMMMM." because holy shit! I liked how it got desperate before they pulled apart (fic NOW plese!!!) *fans self ( ... )


Re: that kiss needs a fic btwplzkthnxbye g_and_honey March 17 2010, 03:36:04 UTC
I have to admit, watching the breakup the second time around was a lot more painful and sad. :-( Luke's woobie!faces and the trail of tears down his cheek made me want to huggle him too! :-( And that kiss...all I have to say is that their reunion kiss better be ten thousand times better that that one! :-D That way we'll REALLY have it made! LOL.

I agree, I think this whole thing has started with a lot of promise, especially now that Noah's staying in Oakdale. I expect the boys to make a full recovery from this as well. :-) They're totally endgame.

I'm hoping for some good ol' angst, too, especially when Noah sees Luke again for the first time. :-) It could be so great; I hope that it is!!

And LOL at the preview. It does kind of look like Luke stands there to contemplate while Reid gets his face bashed in. :-P HAHA, Luke.



cookie1223 March 16 2010, 22:43:24 UTC
I want to see them back together so soon
It's killing me ;(
Van and Jake are so good <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!
The kiss was so sad but so good and so HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I agree with Latoya about the fic :P !)
These two need to get back together ASAP

Poor Barbara I like her and I want to see her with someone who loves loves her Henry or not !
CZP and TD are awesome !!!

And again I'm really proud to contribute to Luke's foundation :P


g_and_honey March 17 2010, 03:39:40 UTC
The boys were so sad today, I know. :-( But I say, don't get too down, because I expect them to get back together. It might be a while this time, but they're so endgame, it's not even funny. I'm almost positive they will reunite and we'll have our glorious couple back. :-)

And poor Barbara, I agree! :-( I feel so bad for her, although today she and Henry were really honest with one another, so I think things are looking up for them. Hopefully they will work out, because they are so adorable! Colleen and Trent are totally awesome!! :-D

And hee! We always welcome your contribution. :-D



lmichelle599 March 16 2010, 23:05:48 UTC

Can we just pretend the stuff with Luke and Noah never happened? :( Did love the kiss, but too much angst for me.

I just hope they don't go and hook up Reid and Luke. I wouldn't mind Reid having an on-screen boyfriend, but I doubt the show's going to bring on another gay character this late in the game.


g_and_honey March 17 2010, 03:41:07 UTC
I loved the kiss, too. So angsty and real and heartbreaking.

Err...I'd prepare yourself, where Luke's concerned. Just from what I've read. :-P



flytalian March 16 2010, 23:21:31 UTC
So glad you've already written your recap, I was dying to blurt some stuff out and this is where I do it. LOL

So, first off.


I too think this break-up was long overdue. That doesn't make it any painful (but I'm not as upset over it as much as I thought I would be. - same here), but it was due to happen and the boys NEED to be apart right now.

I understand where Noah's coming from. I think any person with some independence drive would think the same things that he's thinking. I would ( ... )


g_and_honey March 17 2010, 03:50:44 UTC
I'm totally with you in thinking that the boys need to be apart right now. It sucks because they both still care for each other, but when you have a partner who can't be what you need (this is true for both boys), then you have to separate and focus on other things. Noah, at least, recognized a couple key things: 1) he's being selfish, and 2) that he's been sending Luke mixed signals for a long time now. I'm really glad that they both were able to be honest with one another. And let's face it, sometimes the truth hurts! But I think they can heal while being apart from each other and then come back in and make it right.

I can see where both boys are coming from (though I do tend to identify with Luke WAY more often), and I think this totally makes sense. It doesn't mean that it doesn't suck moose eggs, but like I said before, at least it's the truth. And it's real, you know? It's not because some stupid professor is hitting on Noah or something. This is only dealing with the two boys themselves and nothing else. And this is paving the ( ... )


flytalian March 17 2010, 17:57:16 UTC
Ha! Looks like I haven't scared you off with my giant comment. Kinda feared I would ;)

it's real, you know? It's not because some stupid professor is hitting on Noah or something. This is only dealing with the two boys themselves and nothing else.
Yes! That's exactly it! Which is why they're going to get back together. It all boils down to them being them in the end. (Plus another reason I've thought of and brought up in a little spoiler-based Jansis I wrote... but I can't post it until Reid's things happens, dammit!!!)

I have this image I can't get out of my head - Luke in Reid's bed, naked. "I'm grabbing a sandwich, honey."
Reid: "No, wait, you may run into my roommate and that would be really--"
[Luke opens the door to the living room]
[Noah drops his camera]
Oh, crap.



g_and_honey March 17 2010, 20:23:34 UTC
You could never scare me away! Never! :-)

Luke in Reid's bed, naked. "I'm grabbing a sandwich, honey."
Reid: "No, wait, you may run into my roommate and that would be really--"
[Luke opens the door to the living room]
[Noah drops his camera]
Oh, crap.


Ooh, spoilery Jansis! Whee! :-)



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