Okay, so...I'm just gonna say it flat out.
The boys broke up today.
I've known for a long while that it was coming. And I'd like to say, on a side note, that Van and Jake did such a good job with it, they really did. That ending part, with the hugging and the "Same here"? God. Rip my heart out
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Yeah, with the boys? OMG, they killed me dead. The break-up didn't tear my heart as bad as I thought, too. Though Luke's woobie!faces made me wanna hug him FOREVER. That kiss literally made me go, "DAY-UMMMMM." because holy shit! I liked how it got desperate before they pulled apart (fic NOW plese!!!) *fans self*
And yaaaaay, Noah's gonna be in Oakdale. Just as long a he gets some screen-time, I'm cool :)
This storyline started with promise, and Vake and Jake nailed their scene perfectly. It made me look forward to the upcoming Nuke storyline (angst please!) even MORE than I probably should. I expect them to work their shit out eventually. And okay sure, let whoever want to see Luke/Reid get their snid-bit of Luke/Reid before giving us our endgame Nuke. I wouldn't mind, really *shrugs*
Oooooh, I'm sooooooo excited! What's going to happen when the operation's done and Noah can see again (b/c, y'know... I highly doubt they'll keep him blind :P)??? What's gonna happen? Angst, I hope :)
Oh! And at the preview! Erm, is Luke gonna just STAND there or what???? He looked like, "Ehhhhh, I'll just watch for another 10 minutes before actually helping" LOL
I agree, I think this whole thing has started with a lot of promise, especially now that Noah's staying in Oakdale. I expect the boys to make a full recovery from this as well. :-) They're totally endgame.
I'm hoping for some good ol' angst, too, especially when Noah sees Luke again for the first time. :-) It could be so great; I hope that it is!!
And LOL at the preview. It does kind of look like Luke stands there to contemplate while Reid gets his face bashed in. :-P HAHA, Luke.
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