It'll make you lose your mind.

Jan 04, 2006 18:45

One of the worst things about getting back in to a routine after a "vacation" is the feeling that I am forgetting to do something - like a meeting or something. I know that all of my meetings are, in fact, this weekend and next week but I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I am forgetting to do something. Don't you just despise that feeling?

It appears I am going to be doing tech for a Playhouse show the weekend of the 13th. I don't know what it is I'll be doing just yet but I am looking forward to it. I (obviously) love volunteering for theatre stuff but I don't get to do it as much as I would like. My understanding is that it is a staged reading of an original play about Hurricane Katrina and it's aftermath. I wonder if anyone I worked with during Eliot Ness: An Untouchable Life will be around?

I didn't catch Letterman last night, but I've been hearing alot about last night's show with Bill O' Reilly so I downloaded the clip from a link at ohnotheydidnt. It goes without saying that I disagree with almost every word uttered by O'Reilly, but I didn't truly dislike the guy until the whole War on Christmas thing began. Anyways, here is a link to download the clip if you're interested. It is fairly long, but worth it. Here's an excerpt:

Letterman: “I’m not smart enough to debate you point to point on this, but I have the feeling, I have the feeling about 60 percent of what you say is crap. [audience laughter] But I don’t know that for a fact. [more audience applause]

I still don't think it compares to Jon Stewart's " I, Jon Stewart, hate Christmas, Christians, Jews, morality, and I will not rest until every year families gather to spend December 25th together at Osama's homo-abortion-pot-and-commie-jizzporium" monologue. But that's just me. And you can check THAT out here.

In more TV related news, this week's new episode of Arrested Development was fantastic. It was entirely self-referential about the impending cancellation and was hilarious. I have complete faith it will be picked up by another company but the cancellation itself hasn't been made official. Save Our Bluths, damnit! The two new episodes of Scrubs were incredibly good as well. There is a rumor that there will only be one more season of that show, which is pretty saddening. Enough of the television talk, right?

I'm still taking reading suggestions since nobody contributed to the list. C'mon, guys....reading IS fundamental.

arrested development, theatre, david letterman, bill o' reilly, the daily show, reading suggestions, television

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