It'll make you lose your mind.

Jan 04, 2006 18:45

One of the worst things about getting back in to a routine after a "vacation" is the feeling that I am forgetting to do something - like a meeting or something. I know that all of my meetings are, in fact, this weekend and next week but I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I am forgetting to do something. Don't you just despise that ( Read more... )

arrested development, theatre, david letterman, bill o' reilly, the daily show, reading suggestions, television

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Comments 6

majorjoe23 January 5 2006, 03:58:32 UTC
Arrested Development was great. And that Jon Stewart quote was one of my favorite Daily show moments of the year.


futrefilmdirctr January 5 2006, 23:34:40 UTC
It was one of my favorites as well. You can tell how pissed off Jon actually is, and I love it.


ecoraider January 5 2006, 07:19:53 UTC
wow. i didnt see that daily show clip, but now have. thanks for posting it, kiddo!


futrefilmdirctr January 5 2006, 23:33:49 UTC
Anytime! :)


_stadtkind_ January 5 2006, 16:00:46 UTC
aimee bender: willful creatures.

it's weird, beautiful, pretty and twisted.

also, i just finished daniel handler's "watch your mouth", and it moved me and shocked me to the point where i wanted to laugh, but was too upset at myself for it. :)


futrefilmdirctr January 5 2006, 23:36:57 UTC
Thanks! I'll most definitely be checking in to these recommendations.

Ha! And I love the incredibly apt icon. Nicely done!


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