Just buried. I'm in the last couple months of my grad program, so things are getting a bit intense. I'm still enjoying it, I'm just focused on writing and working out what happens next.
In a continuation of a story I mentioned last year, the UBC TA union is currently on strike. I've been oddly unaffected by it, since I'm not actually a TA this semester. (Next semester I'm a TA for African history, which will be... interesting.) A lot of ny friends have been out on the picket line though, and it's been interesting to see how unions
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Or less-wise decisions. Went to California to visit a couple of friends who just moved there, instead of focusing on the work I had due the day after we got back. I definitely don't regret going (it was awesome), but I do kind of regret the grade I got on the assignment. Torn!
...is that it ends up at the very bottom of my to-do list below things like "read the newspaper" and "generally mess around on the internet". Hence, my sparse entries over the past year or so. ^^;
It's been a busy summer so far; I've been to Washington DC for research (at NASA Headquarters, like a boss) with a stop off in Philly to see my friend
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And someday I will probably write actual catch-up entries (so long ago, so little remembered~). But for now, I am just miffed that lj apparently does not save my friends list entries. D: Tell me what I've missed in the last few months y'all!
Hello world! I've got a more detailed few entries to write, but I figured I'd try out this lj-app for android and let you all know I'm still alive. I'm back in Van and about to start grad school.
Apparently I can only post in this app but it should help me keep the up to date. ;)