Mar 17, 2007 14:44
Hello strange earthlings! I haven't updated for ages *pure laziness* xD
I had my hair cut, but I'm not posting a picture of my ugly mug on here! I wanted it cut like Jennifer Biddall, but Jen's hair is longer than mine, so I like to say that it's Jennifer Biddall inspired, with Bilie Pipers length =P I can't pull it off as well as they can though xD
Life is utterly wonderful right now, couldn't get any better as far as I'm concerned. Work has been fun for a change & I've caught up with my friends finally <333 The only major suckafge in my life right now, is that Matt has been offered a better job at the Stourbridge shop, so he's going to move there perminantly =( I'll miss him loads but I know he has to move on & I respect him for coming to me & talking it through with me [like wherther he should do it] before he made a decision. Besides, something like this will never split us up, I reckon I've got a male friend for life there <333 Words cannot begin to describe how much he means to me.
I got my Freeview box up & running on Monday, but E4 & Channel 4 are dodgy =S, it pisses me off as thse are the main channels that I really wanted. I was going to try & reset the whole thing, but my mate warned me that I could lose them for good, so I'm going to sort out a better aerial & see if that'll help.
Today has been amazing. I never in a million years thought that I could enjoy a really busy & stressful shift at work, but today I did. I think it's more about a sense of acheivement & being proud of managing by yourself than actually enjoying it, but none the less, I had fun. I was in the shop, cooking & serving both at the same time & it was such a brilliant feeling.
I also walked to work today & I felt proud of myself for that. & I manged to get myself up & sorted before seven. I guess perhaps today is my "official" start of spring day because I've just felt so alive all day & it's been amazing. I also think, I've found the song of my summer.
Comic Relief was amazing, as was Hollyoaks. That last Jess & Kris scene was adorable <3333 but I'll save my squeeing for another time x]
My Godmother's baby is due today x] but as far as I'm aware, she's still pregnant xD I think, this summer, may just be the best ever....
On a final note, I do not have an Irish bone in my body, but I really connect with the Irish, so Happy St Patricks Day to everyone!
life being fantastic,