Misc ramblings

Jul 18, 2013 20:32

The weather over the last week as well and truly put paid to any notion that the renovations would be finished early. The ground outside the dining room where the terrace is going to be s a swamp and far too wet to pour the slab, they expect two weeks before it will be ready, which is nearly a month after they originally planned to do it.

The house is still rattling cold, I am enjoying the slightly warmer weather of the last few days as it was making me exceptionally tired to be cold all the time.

I'm typing this from my iPad because my iMac is in for repairs. In nearly 20 years of owning Macs, it's my first hardware failure. Rick has had several, but my machines have generally just kept on kicking until abandoned. Hopefully I'll have it back before raid next week.

The next 3 days are going to be a bit of a culture shock, we're off to PAX, according to the Melbourne Show Grounds website they are expecting 35,000 attendees. I don't know if that is 3 days counting each day as 3 people, or 35,000 tickets, but either way, that's huge. My dislike of crowds if going to get a workout for sure.

Work has been unpleasant that last few weeks, mostly because there has been another round of redundancies, both my current boss and my previous boss are among those who have been cut. My team had a very hand holdy meeting with senior management yesterday who were anxious to see that we weren't all on the brink of walking out as well, there aren't many people left with systems knowledge at present and some real gaps in the organisational knowledge. Morale is terrible, but it will pick up as people get back to BAU.

Anyways, I have stuff (TM) to get ready for con going tomorrow. Even getting to the Showgrounds is going to be an adventure as I've never been there before. Nighty night LJ land.

house, health, ipad, technology, renovations

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