Even if your hands are shaking...

Mar 24, 2008 10:59

Dizzy today - typing for too long makes me have to look over at the window behind me and try to focus on the sky for a minute. It wasn't this bad yesterday. I wonder if it's focusing on the laptop screen, or if it's having headphones on, or what it is that is triggering the inner-ear response of "Hey, whoa, are we still on a ship?" Weird.

Last night I had some very odd stress dreams, none of them pleasant. I only remember bits of them now, but the worst was I was with a bunch of theives or smugglers who were after some money in a bag, tied up with a bomb. I was one of the men, scruffy and dirty and we were all in deep water, holding to these chains for some reason, in a ship that was sinking. The smugglers were killing each other over the money, and the bag dropped into the water, and I tried to swim after the money after I killed the guy I was supposed to be double crossing the others with, but it sank too deep too fast and I couldn't keep up and I couldn't breathe and then I had to try to reach the surface before I lost consciousness. And I think another guy swam after it and the bomb went off and killed more people, and there was all this shooting and blood and death...

No more splodey movies when I'm tired, maybe. Although there wasn't any drowning in that movie - I think I just added that in for extra fun. I don't remember the other dreams right now. Just that I kept waking up thinking, dang. Can we have a happy dream maybe? I just came back from vacation, and there was all this nice fun stuff happening, and sunshine, and maybe dreams about turtles and rainbows and sunshine and lollipops, moonbeams and everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together dreams would be nice. Kthxbai.

Still dizzy. Lunch soon. Maybe caffeiene will help. My eyes hurt. Jetlag and sea wobblies together - disconcerting.

Today's song in my head - Say by John Mayer. I love this song. I've been listening to it over and over on my ipod, and in my head. Maybe it will help with the dizzy and the scary dreams.

ETA:  It looks like what I'm experiencing is called Mal De Barquement. Which just basically means that my inner ear is used to moving, and when I'm not, it's confused. Which is basically sea legs, right? The site is being scary and saying this thing can last for months or years. But I've gotten this mildly before from going to roller coaster parks when I was a kid, and it always went away. So I'm just assuming I'll suffer dizziness for a few days, (instead of a few hours, like with teh roller coasters) and go to dance class, and move around lots, and it'll fade away on its own. Really shouldn't read medical information on the internet. But my production today is just dismal, and I do feel rather like I'm spinning constantly to the right when I'm not moving. walking around and stuff I'm fine. So dance class tomorrow ought to be fine. I guess. Weird.

dreams, dizzy, work, tired

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