...it's been, it's been su-su such a long time, long time...

Mar 23, 2008 22:09

Home again - been home since Friday afternoon. Some of you have seen me if you were at Norwescon and I managed to bump into you. Sorry for the glazed look and general incoherency. I'll be better in a few days, I'm sure. I'm already a little less whacked on the head feeling. As it were.

Arrived in port in Sydney Friday morning around 530-6 am. Our wake up call was for 5. Michelle got in the shower about 515. I laid there, contemplating moving. Then Michelle's dad called from their cabin, telling me that we were about to pass the Opera House. I jumped up, threw on pants and a sweatshirt, and grabbed my camera. Got a bunch of shots of the Opera House in the early morning dark, then ran in to tell Michelle that we were passing it. We started to turn, and as I realized we were going to dock next to it, Michelle came out in her towel, another towel on her head, and said "Wow, Cool!" Then she said "Hello, Sydney. I'm naked." And took a few pictures herself.

After a quick breakfast in the buffet of fruit and orange juice (there was only cherry yogurt left. Blech.) we went out onto deck and took more shots of the OH and the bridge as dawn broke, rainy and gray. It felt like home. Only a bit warmer. Then we gathered our things, followed the herd through customs. I was all worried they'd go through my packs and we'd be late or something, but they just waved at us when we explained we had some small seashells and some chocolate, and wooden keychains, that sort of thing. Got on a bus for the airport. Took a few shots of Sydney through the bus windows. Hurry up and wait at the airport. Got on a plane about 145 in the afternoon, Sydney time.

The flight home was, well, awful. Usually I'm a pretty good traveler, but I couldn't get comfortable, what with one thing and another. I watched a few movies, I put the little eye mask on, I tried thinking soothing thoughts, but I couldn't sleep. My ipod was out of juice, and I couldn't find a place to plug in the charger that was supposed to work on the airplane.  After the six or seventh thing didn't work, I was tired enough to weep. With seven hours left to go on the flight. Gah. Michelle offered me an Adivan. I accepted a 1/2 one, because I was just so flipped out from being exhausted. Finally slept for about three hours, maybe. Landed in LAX Friday morning about 930 am Pacific time. Which was, what, 3am my body time. Saturday. Went through US customs, which was easy again, and got to the right terminal for home. Sat around. Hurry up and wait.

Boarded the flight for home about 120 pm, napped on and off, that nodding, interrupted kind of nap that you snort yourself out of over and over. Landed in Seatac about 420. Was suddenly amped up, happy to be home. My friend Sara drove me home and another friend came and picked Michelle up. We said our goodbyes at the airport. It's been a little odd not talking to her every day for the past couple. I called her, but she had to work yesterday, so I bet she's been sleeping today.

The pets were very happy to see me - Mingus is tired out from the couple bouts he ended up having at the dog kennel - he plays really hard when he's there. He has this little worried look to his eyebrows when I get up from the couch. So I keep hugging him, which causes him to worry, too, because he's just not that cuddly of a dog. Too bad for him, because I cuddle him anyway. Abby is both irritated and happy not to be alone. She's been following me around and sleeping as close as she can, and yelling at me as only cats can. She hates to let me go into the bathroom by myself. Well, she's always like that, but right now she's louder about it.

I did end up going to Norwescon for a couple hours Friday night, but hit a wall of stupid and had to be driven home again. Then yesterday I went in the late morning for just about an hour or so, but started to feel out of it and unable to think. I went home. I slept for three more hours. Got up only when my boyfriend called to ask if I wanted to show up for dinner. So I dragged my still half-dreaming ass out of bed and managed to not drool on anyone else at dinner last night. That I know of, anyway. Then later on, I boogied with some folks, as that's something I can do half-dead and limping. Which I probably was, but I ignore that when I dance.

So I'm home. The adventure is over, documented in pictures, my travel journal, and this blog. I hope you've enjoyed my wordy and sometimes overly-minutia-filled writings about it. I'll be getting pictures together over the next few weeks and I'll put them on flikr as I can. Off to bed with me now, to try to sleep.

sleepy, home again, animals, travel

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