untypical_two All my Collaborated works with
icedark_elf Fullmetal Alchemist
Archive Proper Gundam wing
Treize and Heero collection
This is all set in one universe and is a set of pairing stories.
Favorites Broadcast Obscure Communications Oneshots
A bit too interested Death and Candy Mad World The Signs Duo introspection.
Bored Death Coined Low Class Yaoi
Playtime Everything has an Ending His loved ones visiting Duo's gravesite.
If you want it to be, Wish it A little Heero/Quatre wistful skit.
Living the Lie Restive Moment Final Fantasy VII
icedark_elf and me are doing Sephiroth/Zack for
50_rps It hasn't got a name yet,
but the archive post is over here. Multiparters
never_speak_it Collab universe about the darker side of people. Many squicks and kinks will be used, be warned.
The Right Hand Path
This is a universe in which Sephiroth was jarred back into his clone too early, and was taken with Zack and Cloud when they broke out, before Cloud ended up in a mako coma.
The Right Hand Path Part Two- Stones Part Three- Running Part Four- Awareness By Your Pain
In this universe, Vincent and his demons all ended up merged tightly together, and instead of ever sleeping, he kidnaps baby Aeris, Seph, and destroys the labs before fleeing to Wutai.
Beginning Midmovement Light Without Shadows
This is a what if. What if Seph had an identical twin? What if Hojo had bought off Vincent with said twin instead of shooting him, just so he could 'compare' the two and see what of what he was doing was having what effect?
Misleading Arrangements Noises Belief and Memory Nations
It's an alternate universe where Sephiroth is a king, while Zack, Cloud, Vincent, and Rufus are his harem slaves, who he has renamed as gems. Read from the top of the list down to be in order.
Amethyst Diamond Watchful King Tactical Relations Ruby Sapphire Advisor Reasoning Priestess Pacing Reprieve Mother Jitters Wedding Gods Lovebirds Delineated Patience Vision Lost
This one is a deviation from when Sephiroth destroyed Nibelheim. He still does. However, Zack was in a different place at a different time when things happened in the reactor, so there will be... just a few major differences.
Turning Left Ascending A World Without
A world where Zack never joined the military. He never met Cloud or Seph. What ended up going differently because of it?
Part One Part Two Thirty Deathfics
Memory Pull Young Zack thinking about when his childhood friend died.
Not Quite Zack's deathscene skewed a smidge. Does he realize he's dead?
Reason An alternative reason for Sephiroth to have decided people weren't worth it anymore.
Mistakes Vincent, Humor. To say more would give it away.
Life's Work Hojo, Vincent, and a possibility for how things could have ended up the way they did then.
Something to Do Vincent and Reno set after AC, and Reno felt the need to harrass an ex-Turk.
Into the Mirror Zack AU where not only did Cloud slip over a step, but Zack was far more thoroughly drenched in what it was to be Sephiroth. The confusion between parts was intentional.
Scarlet Webs Had Sephiroth been born a woman, how would things have been different?
Helping in the Garden Zack and Aeris pairing crack set in Aeris' church.
High on Luck On the run fic.
Might Have Been If Zack had survived to forty years old and Nibelheim hadn't happened the way it had.
Unreal Waking Cloud wakes to a dead Zack.
High Places Cloud up on his favorite perch, thinking.
Seriously Misconstrued Sequel to High Places. Zack 'rescuing' Cloud.
Ten Years Cast Crack fic.
Seminar Meta, aka protocols on being raped by Sephiroth.
Special Opportunity Sephiroth/Tseng/Reno Reno walks in on the other two having a moment.
All Fall Down Loz/Rude A story set int he gap between the explosion and them reaching Cloud.
Ought To Know Reno/Rufus Rufus had his games, as did Reno.
No True Illusion Seph considering over what is his and how things might be. Seph/Zack.
Results of the Pun off All kinds of pairings and themes, they're small though and all in one post.
Deeper Cause Why Cloud hates leather.
Meeting Zack/Seph, Seph is trying to have a meeting.
The Creature Meta crack about a 'creature' that Seph Zack and Cloud ran across.
Plans of the Dead Zack Seph and Aeris come up with a scheme. Set during Advent Children.
Better This Way Seph decides to set himself free of his mother.
Momentos On getting Zack's things from Shinra, he hadn't expected a will.
The Box Vincent finds a most unlikely solution to his issues in dealing with his demons.
Collection Cloud rehides his collection for the sake of privacy.
Executives First introduction to one Rufus Shinra.
Leniency When Sephiroth was young, there were certain rules.
Mother and Son Nibelheim wasn't a choice, it was how things were going to be.
Strings If Sephiroth had tugged his puppet strings just a little differently...
Ravens Never Forgetting You Fading Away Outlook Shadow Alive Pixie Zack Soft Touch Zack/Sephiroth with Tentacles
For a Party Zack in a skirt
Lovely Eyes A recolor of Outlook.
Face and Form lineartless/referenceless Seph practice.
FF7 Pairing Icons batch one Kingdom Hearts 1&2
Nobody Labyrinth
Capture Words on a Page Ranma 1/2
Grace Harry Potter
Happy... Birthday? Crossovers
Tell Me it isn't so! Drabble collections
Oneliners Volume One Volume two FFVII, FMA, GW Range of pairings in a few fics.
Clash A bit Lost Icon post Landels
Sephiroth in Uniform Lore and Fragment Sephiroth in the Female type Original Work
Over the Course of Time Aiden Claest Sleeping Beauty Multiparters
Undo Prologue Undo chapter one Legacy of Falling
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Artwork
My boys Kick the Bunny Man in rain Hand
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