Title: A bit too interested.
Series: Gundam Wing
Author: Skeren Dreamera
Category: Comedy.
Pairings: Just wait for it
Rating: PG at most
Notes: I was bored. Like?
Dorothy had long wondered what would happen if the pilots got drunk. Now she had her chance to watch it in action, and it was proving to be highly entertaining. It was a reunion party, but it easily showed that they were all picking up right where they left off. She settled in to watch the show through the live feed she’d been thoughtful enough to rig in Quatre’s mansion the month before.
The party wasn’t going at all how Duo had expected. He was backing rapidly away from two drunk, extremely interested looking Asians. “Now now, you guys don’t be looking at me like that if you don’t mean it.” He held up his hands as he smiled, trying to make it into a joke. He quickly regretted saying a thing when he was tackled by the pair, overeager hands summarily destroying his favorite shirt and partially undoing his pants before he could get loose to hide in the next room over. “Damn it! What the hell has gotten into you two???” He leaned against the door as he heard them start to argue, about him of all things. He wasn’t sure whether to be pleased, or terrified, that the pair were reacting this way to a few drinks. He peeked out of the room after a huge crash echoed through the wall. “Everyone okay?” Heero and Wufei had frozen with the loud clatter, blinking out of their glaring match as Duo came out of hiding.
Heero looked over. “I knew you’d come out!”
Wufei snorted. “He came out for me, not you Yuy!”
Heero shook his head. “He came out for me!” There was threat in his voice as he turned towards the other Asian, and Duo took the opportunity to inch through the door tot he hall. Unfortunately for Duo, the drunk pair heard. “Hey! Come back!”
Dorothy stared at the chase in rapt fascination before looking at another screen. Trowa and Quatre were in the kitchen.
Quatre swayed into Trowa as he got close to the other teen, a goofy smile on his face. “Trooooowa! Kiss me!”
Trowa leaned down to do just that before he caught sight of Wufei and Heero, and he ducked around Quatre to look out the door after them, leaving Quatre to fall face first on the floor. “Heero and Wufei?” It was a mutter, the alcohol fogged mind of his latching onto the fact that he saw two sexy Asians. He quickly made up his mind, he could always screw Quatre, but the Asians… He took off out the door. “Wufei, Heero, my loves! Come back to me!”
Quatre pushed himself up off the floor, a pissed off look written all over his face. “I don’t think so.” Lurching to his feet, the blonde then headed out the door, murder in his eyes. “Trowa, get your ass back here right now!”
“I always knew that boy had fire.” Forked eyebrows rose in amusement and she skipped to another camera, where Duo, breathing hard, had just stumbled across Zechs, who was, in his utter stupor of drunkenness, going through a feminine wardrobe.
Duo closed the door behind him and looked around. He’d lost Heero and Wufei but he had no faith in his ability to keep them distracted for long. “Zechs! I didn’t know you were here, hide me, please!”
Zechs looked up, a pink tutu in his hands as he fixed his pale eyes on Duo. “Hmmm, would you wear this?” He was advancing on Duo, who immediately paled.
Was he the only one sober?? Duo shook his head, and tried to get the door, but Zechs steered him away from it, tucking the pink material over his head before he could get away. “Hey! No!” Duo tried to yank it off, but Zechs simply pulled his braid out of the way and took up where Wufei and Heero had left off, pinning him to the wall as he got rid of his pants and finished applying the girly outfit.
“There! Pink is so your color.” Zechs released Duo, and watched in dismay as he tried to tug it off. When he went to stop him, Duo ducked under his arm and ran out the door, leaving Zechs to follow, not wanting Duo to ruin the outfit.
“It must run in the family…” Dorothy shook her head, switching camera’s expertly.
Duo had managed to get the top half of the tutu off before he crashed headlong into Trowa, thinking, for a brief moment, that he’d run into someone with sanity. Then he heard Trowa talk. “You! Vile stealer of hearts! Wufei and Heero should be mine.” Trowa stomped, and Duo moved around him, catching the tall blonde blur coming from the opposite end of the hall.
Suddenly, Quatre was there, tackling Trowa and attempting to kiss his mouth off as Duo backed off, looking for a way out. It didn’t take him long to start running before he locked himself in a closet.
Dorothy pouted as the frantic Shinigami hid, moving from Trowa and Quatre, who were fully distracted, to peek in on Heero and Wufei… who looked to have forgotten about Duo for each other, then back to Zechs as he sat down on a couch, apparently bewildered by his surroundings. “Damn. Fun’s over.” She then turned off her screens.
Dorothy came to Quatre’s mansion around noon the next day, and she could only stare as a well loved, slightly bruised Duo in a pink dress with ribbons in his hair answered the door. If looks could kill, Dorothy would have been dead. “If you even say one word about what I look like right now, I will so kill you.” Dorothy nodded dumbly before backing up, spinning on her heels to go home and see what she missed between the night before and morning.
Duo smirked as he saw the girl make a break for it and looked back to the five inside, a large smirk on his face. “Got all the cameras out?”
Quatre nodded, beaming. “I dealt with them all just before she arrived. Did she believe it?”
Duo smirked, going to crawl into Wufei’s lap as he draped himself across Zechs as well, the sofa already fully taken. “Oh you bet. She looked so smug until I threatened her. Like I’d ever run from any of you.”