Fan art recommendations (Various Fandoms)

Sep 13, 2006 00:57

Pirates of the Caribbean

Elizabeth Swann Design by monstarling
She actually gives justice to how freaking beautiful Keira Knightley is. Bravo.

"Pirates and Oreos" (Comic)
Haha, I would get mad if Jack tried to steal my Oreos, too.

The Sandman

"Death" (Cain and Abel) + "Work" (Lucien) by kyraille

Delirium by AlexiusSana
All the mumbo-jumbo drawn above her is awesome.

The Matrix (both by Bri-chan)

I think this is so sweet. I kind of liked the last movie when things got all dark and Neo was blind and it was just the two of them going to the Source.

"Trinity's Revenge" (Comic with Trinity, Neo, and the Twins)

The Lord of the Rings (all done by Bri-chan)

"Queen of Gondor" (Arwen and her son)

"To Hell With Formality" (Comic of Aragorn/Arwen scene at end of RotK)
I LOVE this because the A/A kiss after his coronation is one of my favorite scenes in the film trilogy. They look so happy together it always makes me grin ear-to-ear.

"Lord and Lady" (Elrond and Celebrian)
It's a less-than-widely-known factoid of the LotR universe that Arwen's mother was an elf of Lothlorien, Galadriel's daughter. She looks so lovely!

"Have You Hugged Your Hobbit?" (Eowyn and Merry)
I must agree with Bri-chan, their friendship is adorable.

sandman, random art recs, lotr art recs, potc art recs, sandman art recs, lotr, potc

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