Fan art recommendations (Harry Potter)

Sep 06, 2006 21:18

"Peer Mediation" (Harry and Hermione) + "Homecoming" (Harry/Ginny) by mudblood428
Hermione looks so pretty in the first one. This person's becoming one of my favorite HP artists.

Hogwarts Women a la Kevyn Aucoin series: Page 1 + Page 2 by ericahpfa
Kevyn Aucoin was an amazing make-up artist who is unfortunately dead now. My friend had two of his books and I loved to look at them. It's not surprising that the celebrity photos in them could inspire a fanartist to draw some character portraits.

"A Very Angry Monster" (Harry, Ginny, and that monster in Harry's chest) by teawithvoldy
Oh man, this is gross. LMAO.

Snape and Draco by mieronna
Very colorful and well-done. I'm lovin Snaper's clothes.

Lily/James by Stompe
Very nice, though I kind of prefer to look at this as Harry and Ginny (Lily didn't have no freckles! Haha).

"Simply Potterific" Comic Series: #9: Tragically Sirius + #13: Harry Potter and the Half-Baked Plot + #14: Malfoy's Merry-Making + #15: Malfoy's Merry Making: II + #16: Malfoy's Merry Making: III + #18: Malfoy's Merry Making: V" + #22: "Insert Super Cool Title Here" by ktshy

Tonks by reallyreally
Rock t-shirt! Yeah! Really cute.

"Advanced" (Snape) by Snapesforte
I love how this artist always creates such a dark mood and atmosphere in her Snape pictures.

"Feelings And Other Atrocities" (Ron/Draco) by cugami
This is seriously of one the cutest/hottest slash pictures I've ever seen. From a scene in a fanfic of the same title.

hp, hp art recs

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