Fan art recs (Harry Potter)

Sep 17, 2006 22:42

The Tonks family by IriusAbellatrix
So cute. I love this design for Ted and Andromeda.

Harry bookmark + 5 Ron/Hermione drawings + Ron + Voldemort + 2 more Ron/Hermiones by maria_abagnale
I love this artist's style, she makes Hermione look really cute. Her teary eyes are just so saaaad.

Tom Riddle by sh4rds
What a pretty boy that evil son of a bitch was.

3 Tonkses by Kajiq
I love the one of her with her mousy brown hair. She looks like she needs a big hug :(

"Say Yes, Ginny" (Harry/Ginny, Hermione, and the Weasleys) by reallycorking
Awww. Haha, I love how Ron has paused his fork in the middle of eating. And Molly looks so cute.

"Can't Break a Trio" (guess who) + Lily Evans + "Final Battle Harry" by ComfortablyLaura
Well, JKR better NOT break the trio by killing one of them. :( Man, does that last one of Harry give you chills or what?

"Wrapped" (Sirius/Remus) by Testdrive
Aw, such a beautiful couple they are.

"Male Bonding" (Remus and Sirius) by Laerry
LOL, the idea of Remus having a man chant over drinks just tickles me. Make sure you read the imagined dialogue in the artist's comments, it's quite cute.

Ron/Hermione in OotP scene by gredandforge
Hermione kissing Ron's cheek before he goes to kick some as Chaser. Too bad we probably won't see this in the movie since there's no Quidditch.

Harry and Crouch/Moody by bloopfish
Really dark and creepy.

hp, hp art recs

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