fanart100 Sandman art. I should figure out a way of doing this so I don't spam everyone's flists into oblivion... post in groups of ten or twenty, because no matter how much you like my art now, you will probably hate it by the time I'm done with this challenge mathingy because DAMN, IT'S A LOT.
030. Death
characters: Cain, Abel (hah! you were thinking Death, weren't you?)
PG-13 for... dead fat guy.
089. Work
character: Lucien
warning: WORST INKING JOB EVER except for the hand, the hand is awesome. don't even try to contest this, because it is TRUE. It's probably because I use paintbrushes to ink. Or possibly because I have an incredibly unsteady hand and drank a lot of black tea today.
I was terribly confused the first time Cain showed up, because I was all "whaa? I thought Lucien was just a nice librarian in a swanky suit, why is he smirking all nasty-like?" until I realized that they were separate entities with similar hair.