i think this is what late night watching of japanese drama with an angsty pair youngsters (what are they?! are they even friends? or can i think of them as lovers? does he even like her?! what does she want from him!?) do to you.
Neon Kurosagi Fic (based on drama-verse please, thank you very much) 977 words
The Worldly-Wise Traveller MCR Fanfiction (Gerard/Frank) Inspired by Lighthouse (The Hush Sound) 1372 words and proudly un-betaed. I also have minimal knowledge on the structure of lighthouses. So no shit about that. For pixiebullets. I hope I do your OTP justice. and if i didn't... omg. maybe. don't tell me. LOL.
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room Greta Salpeter (The Hush Sound), Jon Walker (PATD) (because I am on CRACK) 2497~ words Inspired by the we_are_citiesNov7 prompt; song “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” John Mayer
cough mixture, seriously makes me do awesome(ly) (stupid) things!
And All the Love Songs Go Together P!ATD fic.
Ryan and Spencer get a moment on the bus . (i think)
Ryan was pretty adamant about what he was saying, but Spencer had learned to tune him out since third grade. Ryan always had ideas. He was always talking about
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She'd left her friend at the stop before; she's known this friend since she was 13, and her friend was transfering to another bus to get back home, having taken the same bus to send Her home. It's been a good day and she's smiling; the night is getting a little cooler and she's thinking about what she's
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