Mia's a constant source of amusement for Ed and I. She's recently started saying "no no, Mia, no no," which Ed said makes him feel bad, like that's all we ever say to her. I pointed out that, sometimes, it feels like that is all we say to her. She's also started saying "aww" when we tell her to say "love", and I think she's working on "up" and "good girl". Daycare says she's said "thank you," but we can't get her to repeat it. She still answers pretty much every question with "no".
And she says "duck," but it doesn't mean duck and we can't, for the life of us, figure out what it does mean. She says it so very often that we're going to have a huge lightbulb moment when we finally do figure it out. It's driving us crazy, especially because she'll often say it when she's upset.
She's also done this new little trick lately when I say "are you ready for a nap?" or "is it bathtime?" As soon as I take the baby gate at the stairs down after asking her one of these questions, she books it up the steps to her room or to our bathroom, depending upon which one's coming up. It's very clear she understands those terms as well as "lay down" and "it's bedtime" - she flips out hearing either of those when we're in her room. She still fights bedtime, obviously.
She's discovered Goldfish courtesy of daycare and now refuses any other snacks while she's there. Wonderful. She remains a fairly picky eater, choosing to eat bananas, applesauce, yogurt and waffles pretty much anytime. Everything else is more hit-or-miss.
She loves boys, apparently, and there are two at daycare who she's in love with. The three year old has been her buddy for awhile and they follow each other all over the place, but an 11-year old started more recently and she sits in his lap and plays with him all the time. This morning when I dropped her off, she reached out for him to take her. Adorable.
Her temper is becoming more and more clear. She really hates the drives to and from daycare, most days, and spends the 20 minutes flipping out in the backseat. Sometimes when she gets mad she starts pinching her knees, grabbing the little chunk of baby fat and pulling at it until she hollers because it hurts. I have no earthly idea why she does this and wish she'd learn that doing it hurts her, so... stop it! *shakes head*
She's started another strange one that we can't figure out, whenever we read Guess How Much I Love You?, saying "nononono!" emphatically to the bunnies in the book, always on the same page. She'll occasionally say it on other subsequent pages in the book but always at that one page. It's baffling.
Changing gears, wedding planning's coming along swimmingly. Getting my wedding dress pepped me up and put me back in the right mindset. The guest list is complete and fully populated, the save-the-date postcards have been ordered, my checklist is drafted (and ever-expanding!), I've finalized some beauty-related appointments, I've drafted the seating chart, and am starting to make headway in other sorted minor details. Ed and I are going to the tux place this weekend to sort out what he and the rest of the guys are wearing so that they can start going in to be measured and preparing to pay for the rentals. I'd also like to take care of registering this weekend since people are starting to ask (isn't it early for that?!), and, well, it sounds like fun.
I've been on Lexapro for almost a week and it's hard to tell what I'm feeling. I was perked up before I started the med, thanks to the wedding dress purchase and related excitement, but I definitely feel far more even-keel. I'm less manic either way. Unfortunately, I'm also suffering a few unpleasant side effects that, unless the level out very soon, are going to cause me to try another medication option. I'm going to try and give it until the next appointment with my doctor at the end of this month, but honestly, I'm not sure I can wait that long. We'll see. I'm willing to try a bit longer.
Last night was Girls' Night with
admiringbog, having missed last week's and not having one for the next two weeks. Ack! We went to Sizzling Bombay for Indian yumminess in the form of aloo chat papri, shrimp masala and naan. Clearly we are creatures of habit, since this is what we get every.single.time. The waitstaff doesn't even have to ask what we want anymore. They're so wonderful there - I cannot say enough good things. And it was a treat to sit with Michelle and just hang out and chat. She's going to be gone for the next couple of weeks on vacations, so we had to get girly gabbing out of our systems. I think the first Girls' Night after her return is going to end up being a long one, what with all the catching up we'll have to do!
Work's... well... work. Minor irritations, blips of laughter and happiness, it all comes out in the wash. Today's a bit of a waste what with being the last day before a holiday weekend. I just finished up the weekly report that's usually done on Fridays, am going to kill a couple more hours and try to get out of here a bit early to get a head start on the I-95 holiday traffic. Three day weekend - w00t! I'm so ecstatic, I cannot even tell you. We have some cleaning to do, a couple of wedding-related errands to run as mentioned above, and that's it. No plans. Love! I have two discs of Queer As Folk and the fourth in the "Outlander" series, Drums of Autumn at home, so I'm set for laziness and relaxation.
Have a great holiday and weekend, gang. If you're traveling, be safe. If you hear "hey y'all, watch this!" run far, far away.