Sep 22, 2009 18:33
I have a crazy desire to draw gender!blended characters. @___@; I don't really know why, but the urge has been there for at least a week.
On the list of characters to torture:
Roy Mustang
Dante (never got around to doodling this one, did I?)
Riza Hawkeye (she'd be one badass dude)
A whole host of Hetalia countries. X_________x; (done before, I know.)
If you guys have any genius ideas about what I could do with their hair or their outfits or something, let me know. XD
Along this train of thought, you know who would NOT be a good-looking girl? Armstrong, duh. Maes Hughes. X______x; I love the man dearly but I don't think he has the... bone structure to made a pretty girl. This point is arguable, though. XD
. . . I should be doing my Physics homework.