This is what happens when I get stressed!

Sep 24, 2009 02:09

I gender!switch characters. ^^; Preeeeeesenting Roy Mustang as a girl. ^_- Or rather, what I think 'she'd' look like in my head. I actually think she'd usually put her hair up in a slick french twist, but I kinda wanted the hair down for this picture. I also think I drew this pic simply because I wanted to draw a frilly bra. (Boobs are surprisingly hard to get right, especially if they're that... exposed.)

I haven't had this much fun drawing in a LONG time! I just sat down and drew this with absolutely no references in 5 hours, which is amazing  fast for me. I think it's probably my best work yet! ^^ Although I may hate it tomorrow, who knows.




Short haired version. :p

Long haired version. :p

This drawing is NOT up for being turned into an icon or anything of the sort. Please don't use it without my permission! ^^;

EDIT: Now with a short haired version since everyone seems confused by the long hair. xD

lol, art, fullmetal alchemist

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