This and that

Jul 28, 2009 09:16

Yesterday turned into a pretty wonderful day. Bree woke up a little sullen but that quickly wore off. We had to take Mom to the foot doctor yesterday and that went pretty smoothly. Throughout the day, Bree asked me how she was doing and I said she was behaving just fine. She asked me a couple of time if her grounding could be shortened (which I occasionally do for minor issues) and I said no. Other than wailing "What am I gonna do all week?!" she was just fine. After Mom's doctor visit, I treated the three of us to pizza which made Mom very happy. Then I dropped her at home and mopped her floor for her while Bree played with Friskie. When we got home, we found a large box on our front steps. Turns out it was a thank you present of a large Coca-Cola pitcher and 6 glasses from my friend Laura for watching her house for the last month. Bree then spent the next couple of hours using the box to make a house for the cats to play in. Later, she told me that even though she misses the computer, making the house was really fun.

We also had thunderstorms rolling through again. This summer is definitely the summer of storms. It was beautiful to watch and cooled things down, if only for a little while.

Today, I slept in a bit. Bree has been battling insomnia and woke me at 2 am, unable to sleep. We've tried valerian, 5-htp and now Benadryl. The 5-htp used to work but isn't as effective as it used to be. Bree's doctor says insomnia is common for teenagers. I'm worried about how we are going to handle it when school's here again. At least she's sleeping now. Poor kid.

And I seem to have woken up with pink eye. I hope not. I have to run errands, the most important of which is replacing our coffee maker because the carafe broke yesterday. We were using our old espresso machine but it didn't have a timer so we decided a new one is in order. I really don't want to have to go to the doctor too.

Time to go freshen up the red hair. I've seen some beautiful silver hairs peeking through but I'm not ready to give up my red yet. ;)

random, life, rain, bree, thunderstorms, mom

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