Free at last!

Jul 26, 2009 15:24

Yesterday was supposed to be "Free the Starlings" day but it was postponed so everyone could be here for the event. Harry, Howard, Bree and I joined the 3 starlings, who were in their cage, on my balcony. I opened the door and after a moment's hesitation, Banana was out the door first, followed closely by Lemmy. They flew for the tree opposite the balcony, flew around the back of it and then started to circle back toward us. Knish was still in the cage, flapping around but as his siblings came by, he flew out and joined them as they rounded the house toward the street. We saw them fly toward the trees across the street and then they were gone. It was one of the most beautiful sights I have seen in a long time and they were clearly ready to be outdoor birds again. I've left the cage outside with food and fresh water in it, just in case, but I don't expect to see them again. I feel blessed to have been able to help them. :)

st. francis, caretaker, starlings, birds

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