Tell me exactly how this happened?

Aug 14, 2010 09:31

So, yesterday we decided to take Sergio, the 25 year old African Grey with issues and ended up coming home with two birds. Yes, you read that right, two birds. This pet store kept a lot of exotic animals and sold some as well. For a while they had sugar gliders. On exhibit in large Plexiglas enclosures, they had a sloth, a tortoise, 2 marsupials, a toucan and two white necked ravens. They also had a laughing mountain thrush. When we agreed to take Sergio it suddenly became a buy one get one deal. The thing is, this bird is a wild bird, not a bird that came be tamed or domesticated. We took it for now but I am going to see if a zoo nearby will take it or have some idea who can.

Oh yeah and Sergio the cage bound bird who doesn't tolerate toys and never leaves his cage? Um, he came out on his own this morning and perched on Howard's arm. Cage bound my ass. While he's neurotic and feather plucks, h doesn't have nearly as many issues as we were led to believe. Assholes.

st. francis, doing what i love, birds

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