9/11 families oppose mosque.

Aug 15, 2010 08:25

Well, that's a blanket statement if ever I heard one. First of all, it's not a mosque, it's a community center, so stop calling it what it isn't. While it will include a place of worship, from what I read, it will be more than that. Now, let's go with "9/11 families", shall we? Not all 9/11 families object to this community center being built. I don't object to it at all. I don't think it's insensitive to have the community center built there. I don't think that Muslims are trying to rub salt in the wounds of the families, the victims and America. I don't think that all Muslims were behind 9/11. I do think that wanting to place the community center down there is an attempt to heal the wounds caused by a very small, very militant group of people who are extremist in their beliefs. I do believe, from what my Muslim friends and co-workers have told me, that being Muslim in New York City continues to be a difficult and scary existence and that anything that helps to heal the city is a good thing. I do think Mayor Bloomburg was right to stand up for it being built. I do not think that our President came out in favor of the center because he is a Muslim and if you think that, you need to go back and read about our President more.

Furthermore, do not walk up to me and say you are sorry that "Those People" are trying to built a mosque down near the WTC. Do not try to argue with me in real life, here or elsewhere that Muslims are all terrorists. Do not try to help me see "the light" about why building the community center is just an evil plot by terrorists to tear the country further apart. If you honestly, truly feel that way, please stay the hell away from me. I think we need unity to heal the wounds of this city. I think people need to understand that not all terrorists are dark skinned and Muslim (Timothy Mcveigh anyone?). I think people out of New York City should stay out of this and lt us New Yorkers decide what we want. And lastly, I think people should stop making blanket statements that are absolutely untrue.

Edit: Just in case people think my family is the only family supporting the community center, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows also supports it.

9/11, fucked up shit

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