Contemplating craziness

Aug 12, 2010 21:23

We already have a zoo. Currently there are 8 cats, 7 parrots, 2 dogs and a rabbit. A friend of mine is trying to rehome birds belonging to a cancer patient who is terminal. One is a cockatiel. The second is a very well behaved African Grey. The last bird is a bitey foul-mouthed Amazon. Guess which one we are contemplating? In addition, we stopped at the pet store where we found Red and Lucy(our macaws) and the shop is going out of business. They are trying to sell the former owner's 25(maybe?) year old African Grey. He has no toys because he's afraid of them. He won't leave the cage. He's picking his feathers and he's on a seed diet. Guess who's thinking of buying him?

Some serious considerations here is time and space. Can I really care for 9 birds, 10 if we take the first grey mentioned? Do we need or want the added expense of more birds? Where the hell will all the cages go With the youngest ones being 14, finding homes for a flock when I am gone may be a very difficult task. Bree may want a couple of the birds but certainly not all. On the other hand, can I not help a bird who has been in a cage for 25 years and is now seriously neurotic? Also, who will really want a bitey, profane Amazon? If my birds start outnumbering my cats, people are going to start calling me The Crazy Bird Lady.

st. francis, birds

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