Open letters

Jul 08, 2010 17:59

Dear Intern,

I like you, I really do. You are a very hard worker, clearly like my class and will make a good teacher. But, sweet girl, you must learn what boundaries are and respect them. Pulling down my shirt in the back every time you walk past me is not ok. Moving my tote bag to the counter without asking because you don't like things on the floor is not ok. Pushing me to eat food you brought for the class, without telling anyone in advance that you were doing that, even when I told you I had lunch and was looking forward to eating what I brought is not ok. And most importantly, when I tell you I feel I don't like how I look in pictures, please don't tell me I'm beautiful and the idea that I don't look good is absurd. I am entitled to how I feel. If you can understand my boundaries and respect them and be able to transfer that skill, you will do great in this world.


Dear Assistant,

Telling another assistant that her daughter is fat and needs to diet is a sure fire way to get your ass kicked. Please don't do that again because I like having you in my class. If you are in traction with multiple broken bones, I won't have you working in my room over the summer.


Dear School Staff,

Please make sure that when you put kids on the bus in the afternoon, you put them on the RIGHT bus. Oy, enough said.


Dear Mom,

Just stop it, okay? I realize the heat is making you cranky so please, put on the damn air conditioner.


Your daughter

Dear "DJ In The Sky",

If you want to suddenly make my ipod change tunes mid song so you can send me a message that is just fine and dandy but please, not while I am on my way to work. Driving and crying DO NOT MIX. But thank you for making my morning commute lovely.

Love always,

Your Monku

liam, life, work, love, mom

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