Gratitude, sorrow, and pain

Jun 20, 2010 22:26

I am so grateful for my chosen family. I am grateful for the people here in LJ and in my daily life that accept me for who I am. I am grateful that my husband loves my daughter, that my daughter is a free spirit and that I have people like Harry and my dear friend Emily in my life. I am so glad that for every person who tells me that I am living my life wrong, there are those who love me for me, and not what they think I should be. I am also pleased to say that my daughter has inherited the gift of Irish diplomacy and was able to politely tell my Aunt that her religious beliefs were not my Aunt's business. I am grateful that my Aunt and Uncle only visit every four years or so and we will not be subjected to being judged and preached to for a long time to come. I am grateful that there are born again Christians in my life that really are there for this family and remind me that Christians are indeed good people, as are many others. They balance out the foolish few who chose to be blinded by their faith instead of growing as a result of it. I am grateful for my mother, though she often drives me crazy, because she supports my right to politely tell my Aunt to go piss up a rope when she tried, covertly, to preach to Bree and, as a result said things that hurt her deeply. No, Liam's death was not his fault, no matter what she may think, and telling my daughter that he chose to die by not walking God's path the way He intended only means to me that she obviously did not know how Liam lived his life. It hurts me to think that someone who deems herself to be so righteous and religious cannot see how blind her faith is. I pity her. But all in all, I am grateful for my friends and family who support me when I deal with shit like this. I love you guys.

life, family, loss, fucked up shit, religion

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