Father's day

Jun 20, 2010 09:14

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and to all those people who fill those shoes even though they are not "Dad". I'm thinking of all the single moms who fill both roles and my heart goes out to them. I remember the first awful Father's Day without Liam and how everyone in Bree's class had to make Father's Day cards. My daughter came home and presented it to me, saying I was both now. Today I am fondly remembering my dear Liam, my daddy and Joe Colhoun this day. I'm so grateful to have had them all in my life.

Edit: Let me clarify about the Father's Day card that first year because her teacher was very sensitive and handled it very well. Her teacher had met Liam on the very first day of kindergarten, the week before 9/11 since that year we had talked about how to handle school and agreed that Liam and I would split the responsibility instead of me always being the one to leave work for things. Just a few days later after meeting him, she received a note from me explaining he was among the missing. From that day forward, she both called me and wrote me about Bree's progress in her class. She couldn't pull Bree out when they were making the cards because that would have made Bree feel even more different than she already felt, but when Bree came to her and said she didn't have a daddy, Ms. Ring explained to her that her daddy was still watching over her even though he couldn't be with her and that her mommy was filling both roles now. She suggested that Bree make the card for me. Ms. Ring and Mr Phair, the principal, were all kinds of supportive and wonderful and we couldn't have made it through kindergarten without their love and support.

liam, family, daddy

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