Jun 19, 2010 08:52
Yesterday was the pre-school graduation. It went surprisingly well and was relatively short, in comparison to previous years. Following that we had a farewell party for the senior therapist who is retiring. Overall a good day.
My hairsticks that ordered arrived yesterday. They are definitely short enough to wear to work. Yay.
Lat night was Heavy Metal heaven because we went to see Cinderella opening for the Scorpions at PNC. We arrived late due to traffic but I did get to hear all the Cinderella songs I was hoping to hear. I got emotionally mugged pretty hard by "Don't Know What You Got Til It's Gone" and spent the majority of that song sobbing but I bounced back. Cinderella played a really good set. The Scorpions managed to rock the house down even though Klaus informed the audience he had a wicked case of the flu. He said he couldn't sing with his voice very well because he was so sick so he was going to sing with his heart. He managed to pull off a full length show by pacing himself and letting the audience sing along as much as possible. If that's what he sounds like at 62 with the flu, I think I need to catch him on the return leg of the tour when he is well. Wow, just wow.
Once upon a time there was a young man who tried to chase the Concorde as it raced along the sky by Rockaway Beach and would jump up in down in joy when he heard the sonic boom it made. This was a boy who broke fluorescent lights, wore red satin Everlast boxers up to his armpits and gave his teachers a run for his money. One of his favorite songs was "Winds of Change" and when it was getting a lot of radio play years ago, he would yell "Eudes, Winds! Winds!" if his 1:1 para was looking for a radio station and passed it by. That boy is gone now, taken by a brain tumor, but I remember him and all his antics fondly every time I hear that song played. I'd like to think that when the Scorpions played it last night, Abraham heard it. That makes me smile.
Bree is almost finished with finals and regents exams. There will be much rejoicing when that is over soon. She graduates from Junior High next week. Where the hell did the time go? Instead of the little girl I gave birth to, there is now a very buxom young woman living in her room. Damn.
Tonight we are going to see Kansas, Foreigner and Styx. Woot.
Tomorrow we get to drive my mom out to Staten Island so we can have dinner with her sister and her husband who are in town. Can you feel the joy? Good people but Born Again Christians that feel they must criticize everything we do and everything we are. I shall float like the angelfish tomorrow. When Mom is no longer on this earth, I will definitely not be keeping in touch with my Aunt Dorothy and my Uncle Ray. I'd be willing to agree to disagree with them on many things but they aren't happy unless people think like they do. No thanks, I'll pass.
I have a small touch of poison ivy from my parent's yard but I found a scrub by Cortaid that is taking care of it pretty well. The only thing is, the spot is just under my watch and I think the poison ivy oil actually got on the watch band, causing it to spread. Wearing the Rolex on my left wrist (I wear my watch like a lefty even though I'm not) while my wrist heals is going to feel very weird.
Been dong a lot of thinking about life and happiness lately. I feel disconnected from the world and am having a hard time staying focused in the now. I'm missing Liam more than ever and find it very hard to be focused on the present. I'm profoundly unhappy with my life right now and trying to figure out why. I guess knowing how I feel is the first step to figuring out why I feel that way.
I scored a few orchids recently and am slowly building my collection up again. I lost about 20 over the winter when I was pretty apathetic about anything other than basic needs. Now I'm starting to tend to my greenhouse again and give my plants the TLC they need. That makes me feel more whole as well as makes my plants happy so it's a win-win.
Looking forward to the end of the month when I, hopefully, will be visiting a a good friend from LJ for a day or two. Looking forward to getting away and meeting some new 4 legged friends.
Weekends are way too short these days. I hope everyone enjoys theirs. :)