Catch up

Jun 12, 2010 08:42

Catching some me time this morning. It seems like I never have the time or energy to keep this journal properly updated. My dreamwidth account is an empty shell, since I created it for posting my jewelry and I can't remember the last time I beaded.

Last night, Bree, Howard, a friend of Howard's and I took in Jethro Tull at Jones Beach. It was a very good show. I was treated to hearing two of my favorites, "Songs From The Wood" and "Bouree". I really enjoy outdoor venues and being near the water is a definite plus for me. This concert marks the first of many for us this summer. It was an expensive splurge but we all enjoy our music and there are so many good band currently touring. Next week we are seeing The Scorpions on Friday and Kansas/Foreigner/Styx on Saturday. In the weeks ahead we have 311/Offspring, Rush, MAIDEN!!! and Queensryche. I'm really psyched. Bree is going to most of those with us and is really looking forward to it. She's becoming a Iron Maiden fan in her own right, which tickles me to no end since that was the first Metal band Liam introduced me to musically. But I love that she has discovered her own music tastes besides the musicians she has seen with me. She loves Linkin Park and Evanescence pretty hard right now.

I'm glad to have last week behind me. This week, work will be hectic because graduation is coming up for my students on Friday. Then we officially end on the 29th of June only to start back up on July 6th. One thing I miss about the day school is the ability to opt out of teaching the summer. Since most of our kids are mandated for serviced 12 months of the year, I have to teach the 6 week summer session. Bleh.

Looking forward to a weekend of catching up on school paperwork plus gardening. I need to tackle the poison ivy in Dad's yard and I'm definitely not looking forward to that. Also hoping to take some nice restorative walks in the park and maybe sneaking in a nap outdoors in a lawn chair.

I'm really glad it's Saturday. Have a good weekend, everyone.

life, work, stress, bree, music

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