Ah, that's more like it

May 31, 2010 07:00

I wondered why the hell I was awake at 6 am this morning. My body, it seems, is smarter than my brain. I'm convinced my body woke me an hour earlier than planned so I could have some delicious solitude and peace first thing in the morning to prepare me for the whirlwind that will be today. I think we may have closer to 20 than 30 people today which means I'm eating bbq food for the rest of the week. I still have tidying to finish and a mountain of food to prepare but Howard's home from Rolling Thunder and he's great at prep. Bree is in charge of dessert preparation and Harry will be helping with yard cleanup. I feel okay about it all though because I was able to start my day with a few moments outside on the bedroom balcony, cup of coffee in hand. Listening to the birds today and watching morning unfold with the moon still present in the sky, I was reminded that I need to slow down sometimes and just be.

As I was typing this, I looked at the date and was reminded that today would have been Daddy's 78th birthday. I miss him. He is largely responsible for me being the conscientious, responsible human being I am today. He was also good at reminding me that no matter how hard life is, no matter how it turned out contrary to hopes and dreams, there are always things to smile about and a reason to keep good humor. I love you, Daddy. Happy birthday.

life, joy, stress, daddy

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