Nov 04, 2009 17:00
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
I cannot change that my daughter has the flu and I have to work but I can do what ever I can to relieve her discomfort when I am home.
I cannot change that my husband has the flu and can't stay home because he has a deadline to meet but I can make sure I pick up the slack so he can go straight to bed when he comes home.
I cannot change the fact that one of my students has very serious issues but I can help him deal with those issues so he is happier and the room is calmer.
I cannot change the the fact that one of my students is autistic but I can help him by maintaining structure and routine in the room so he stays calm and focused.
I cannot change the fact that my staff is feeling frustrated by the disruptions in our room but I can take a leadership role, explaining why things are happening the way they are and brainstorming with them to come up with creative solutions.
I cannot change that right now my life is very stressful but I can take one day at a time, focusing on the good, working to fix the bad, de-stressing when I can, not being too hard on myself and accepting that this stress will pass.