Fandom: SherlockBBC Author: doodle-writes Title: A Silver Sixpence Pairing: Sherlock/John Rating: NC-17 Genre: Author does not specify. Fluff. Romance. Humour. Word Count: 16,400 Author summary: John, we need to get married.
Fandom: SherlockBBC Author: entangled-now Title: The Second Law of Thermodynamics Pairing: Sherlock/John Rating: PG13 Genre: Schmoop Word Count: 3,600 Author warnings/summary: In which there's no heating and there's a dead owl in Sherlock's bed. AN: For the 'cuddling - hypothermia,' square (wildcard) for schmoop_bingo
Fandom: SherlockBBC Author: Spikeface Title: Autopsis Pairing: Sherlock/John Rating: NC-17, violence. Genre: Author did not specify. Darkfic. Word Count: 6525 Author summary: Sherlock always needs to see for himself.