Twenty-Sixth Prompt!

Oct 20, 2009 13:41

 Wow! The Promptathon did far better then I had anticipated! Thank you to everyone who participated! *hugs all* Also thank you to everyone who posted drabbles these past two weeks. ^_^ And yay - new faces! Hi guys! (I've been a bit busy lately, so after this I'll go back and review and tag all the new drabbles and properly say hi the newcomers.) Btw, Promptathon #1 is closed for now - which is not to say that you can't write a new drabble for one of the prompt/requests already there (even if it's already been filled), just no requesting any new ones. Oh, and look forward to Promptathon #2 in 24 more prompts/weeks (i.e. Prompt 50)! ^^;;

Now we're back to our regularly scheduled show. Kinda. I'm thinking of changing some rules, so please partake in the polls I'll be posting sometime after this post (either shortly thereafter this post or tomorrow). For this week's prompt I sense new beginnings. *odd music plays in background* >.>

Prompt Twenty-Six - New

From new days to brand new things, let's hope the something new is something good. Not that it's always guaranteed.

Any interpertation of the prompt is fine so long as it's about new or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours! Your drabbles must be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general rules) on the profile page.

A new prompt will appear next Tuesday, October 27th, 2009, noon (EST).

Don't forget - past prompts are always open!


Participants these past two weeks and their drabble(s) -

auronlu  - 
Lunar Cry  (FFVIII - Edea/Ultima - R)
Untitled  (FFXII - Fran/Penelo - PG13)

emeraldgreentea  -  Secrets to Winter Warmth  (FFXII: OGC - Fran/Penelo - PG)

hamimifk  -  Love Transcends Time  (FFVIII - Shiva/Siren - PG)

hecatesbrat  (x2)
A Start  (FFVIII - Quistis/Fujin - G)
Popcorn  (FFVIII - Quistis/Fujin - PG)

sissyhiyah  - 
Cold  (FFVIII - Quistis/Fujin - R)
Untitled  (FFX/X-2 - Lulu/Paine - PG)
She Bop!  (FFVIII - Quistis/Fujin - R)
Sway  (FFVII: OGC - Tifa/Aeris - PG13)

xhecticbankaix  -  Crush  (FFX-2 - Rikku/Paine - G)

Honorable Mention of Fic -

sheumouna  -  Crime and Punishment  (FFXIII: OGC - Lightning/Jihl - NC17)

prompt: new

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