Aug 13, 2010 17:05

OK so. I decided that I would spend the summer learning CSS so that I could revamp my journal layout. However, I have failed at it. I have found tutorial after tutorial and downloaded all kinds of helpful tools but I just. Don't. Understand it.

Therefore. This is me putting out a plea: will someone make me a layout? I have a very clear idea of how I want it to look, and already have things like the header ready and waiting. I just can't code it.

In return for this, I will do one of the following things for you (or something else, if you'd rather):
  • Draw you a fully coloured and detailed piece of fan art
  • Knit you a scarf or pair of handwarmers (detail etc to be discussed)
  • Make you a resin brooch (or cufflinks/etc)
  • Cook you a delicious meal, location permitting
If you'd be interested, please let me know! I'm not necessarily expecting anyone to respond, but I'd kick myself if I didn't at least try. :P

Anyway. Begging done, have a meme. These be the rules:

first: if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.

second: tag eight sexy people. don't refuse to do that like a pansy. unless you really don't want to of course. and if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!

I was tagged by nuclearsugars and as always I'm too lazy to tag anyone else, but if you read this, consider yourself tagged.

Favourite mash-up right now?

By an odd coincidence, I saw this today and although I'm not usually a fan of Kate Nash, I liked it a lot.

image Click to view

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?

I was going to be all grown-up and say this:

Except that, in fact, since I saw that I have also watched this, because apparently I'm six:

I mostly enjoyed it. It was fairly unchallenging, and I definitely needed a silly cartoon with fun music and talking animals and all that to doze in front of. There was a part of my brain that spent the entire movie freaking out, though, because while I can happily accept an alligator being able to play the trumpet, I can't get my head around there being only a single brief vague glossed-over mention of racism in a movie set in 1920s New Orleans. Still, awesome Cajun music! And all the talk of gumbo made me hungry. :9

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment?

1. Having no idea what to do with my life, and people keep asking me what I'm going to do next
2. Next door's hideous yappy sausage dog barking all the fuckin' time, I swear one of these days I'm going to go over there and kill the little bastard
3. My head of department (but shhh!)

Three random facts about yourself?

1. I'm a fucking awesome cook \o/
2. I hate fizzy pop
3. My first sentence was (apparently) "milk - nice - noooooo" *sadface*.

What was your first ship?

The first ship that I was aware of it being a ship and knew what that meant - probably Harry/Draco, although I got into Remus/Sirius soon after that.

What posters do you want? Killing this question because what. XD Replacing it with Five current obsessions?
  • Acquiring tinier and tinier silicon molds for use in resin casting
  • Baby knitting (for other people!)
  • Inception fic (Eames/Arthur, yes please, why though, I'm 28 and what is this)
  • Working out what my tattoo will be
  • The Unthanks
Three things you wish you could be:

1. Musically talented
2. Artistically talented
3. Fitter/stronger

Top five words/phrases you [over]use?

1. Fuck/variations thereof
2. Douche/variations thereof
3. Ludicrous
4. Unf
5. Darling please (sardonically, rather than a sex thing or whatever)

Two things you're excited for this year?

1. New year, as always
2. Going to Berlin in September

What's the colour of your toothbrush?

Uh... blue, I think. I brush my teeth the way I do everything - WITH RAGE - and therefore go through them pretty quickly.

Guiltiest fast food pleasure

I allow myself KFC about once a year. See also delivery pizza, if that counts.

What movie have you seen the most?

Probably something like this:

What can I say, I was raised on this crap.

What never fails to make you smile?

image Click to view

If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

I HAVE SPENT SO MUCH TIME PLANNING THIS. I would pee my name in some snow, if there was any to be found. I would get laid as much as possible with as many different people as possible. I would fap.

... In reality I'd probably just do what I usually do and, you know, go online all day.

Best way to relax?

Is it too obvious to say sleeping? I never get to sleep enough. If that's not allowed, then playing Zelda, or cooking, or knitting in front of an old Hollywood musical with a cup of tea and a packet of posh biscuits while the rain pours outside.

Favourite quote/lyric of the moment:

"To find the truth, we need imagination and skepticism both." Carl Sagan.

What is your current desktop picture?

A challenger approaches.

Say something to the person who tagged you:

Hey guuurrrrrrl. Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy.

memey goodness, fail, soon i will post something fandom-ish, journal admin, help

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