Someone come over and give me a back rub?

Jul 28, 2010 16:45

Firstly, I am EXCITED because in the last week or so, THREE new babies have joined my social circle and shall soon be converted to Fera homies. evil_underlord's sister had her twins last Tuesday (they were late), and two days ago my friend Holly had her daughter (early). All are girls, all are doing well, and all shall soon be clothed in things I have knitted for them. None of the mums involved are particularly geeky, so the Underlord and I have resolved to nerdify the babies. (I am especially tempted by this babygrow, which is a neat and fun twist on the whole crappy overdone "girls = princesses" thing).

In other geeky news, I watched the first episode of Sherlock the BBC's new modern-day-AU Sherlock Holmes miniseries. It is fucking awesome so far. Keeping this one spoiler-free for the sake of those who haven't seen it yet, but - yeah. It's awesome. It's really bloody good. Also - and this part really isn't a spoiler if you know anything about anything - the gay shines out of it like the light of an exploding supernova. Fera approves.

Finally, and apropos of nothing:

The Misha Collins commemorative plate.

heroic bishie, commemorative plates, i wish misha collins was my bff, i must be hormonal, photoshop fun, nerdcore, meatspace, tv

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