Project 365 - Day 364: Surprise Hot Air Balloon

Aug 26, 2010 18:05

Wednesday evening, rackham and I decided to take advantage of one of the last warm days of summer to do at least a little bit of hiking, so we headed up to Paradise Valley Conservation Area. On the way up, we spotted some hot air balloons out for a flight not far from the main road. I snapped a few shots through the car window and then pretty much forgot about them.

After a bit of hiking, we reached our first Geocache and were busy signing the log... but in the back of my brain, I was puzzling over this odd noise that didn't seem to fit in the middle of the forest. Not sure how to describe it, but my brain was overlaying it with all sorts of sounds, trying to find a match... it sort of sounded a bit like someone spraying water from a hose onto a plastic tarp. Kinda. And then I looked up.

Day 364: A different bright yellow orb in the sky.

That was literally right overhead... and they seemed to be having some trouble keeping altitude, since they were burning pretty consistently and still kept dropping for quite awhile before finally bobbing up again. We could actually see the people in the basket from where we were standing... and I must admit that I was a bit worried for them, because I knew there weren't any clear spots anywhere near us (we really were in the middle of a forest). Thankfully, as I said, they did start rising again.

Bonus Photo: Bonus hot air balloon.

Got this shot of both hot air balloons while we were hiking back toward our car, obviously after the yellow one started getting some altitude. Such a beautiful day to be out!!

365 project 2009-2010

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