Project 365 - Day 364: Surprise Hot Air Balloon

Aug 26, 2010 18:05

Wednesday evening, rackham and I decided to take advantage of one of the last warm days of summer to do at least a little bit of hiking, so we headed up to Paradise Valley Conservation Area. On the way up, we spotted some hot air balloons out for a flight not far from the main road. I snapped a few shots through the car window and then pretty much ( Read more... )

365 project 2009-2010

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Comments 5

wildrider August 27 2010, 02:16:57 UTC
fenchurche August 27 2010, 02:42:37 UTC
It was up in the upper 80s yesterday... I figured they must have drifted into a warmer patch of air or something, because the other balloon didn't seem to be having the same problem. It did get pretty low, though... we could actually make out the shapes of people in the basket. Not enough to wave at them or anything, but enough that we really could see them.

It'll be interesting to see what people think of today's photo in contrast. Less than 24 hours apart and it's a completely different sky.


curiouswombat August 27 2010, 07:40:04 UTC
There is quite a contrast! Our weather, and light, can be really changeable too, so I can understand. Also understand the feeling of frustration when it is overcast and the subject would look so much better in the sunshine of yesterday, or even an hour ago!


wildrider August 27 2010, 12:41:57 UTC

zanthinegirl August 27 2010, 11:06:38 UTC
OOh-- neat shot. Someday I'll have to go up in a hot air balloon!


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