Project 365 - Day 365: Space Needle & a Seattle Sky

Aug 26, 2010 21:12

Well, here it is... the last one! Technically, it's an extra day, because somewhere along the line my numbering got off kilter by a day (I don't know if I just missed a day at some point or if I used a number twice). I wanted to do something cool for the last day and realized, after glancing through the last year's worth of photos, that I'd somehow managed to not have a single shot of the Space Needle!

Day 365: The last day.

It's amazing how much difference a day can make around here. If you get a chance, take a glance back at yesterday's photo... which was taken at around 7:00pm. Today's photo was taken at around 1:30. Honestly, I was worried I wouldn't be able to use any of the photos I took today because they came out so dark!! But that's just the way things go here.

So, there you have it! It's funny, because when I started this thing, I was quite literally taking one single photo a day to post... until it occurred to me that it wasn't like I was wasting film, so I started taking photos of *everything*. What I've ended up with is probably the best documented year of my life and I've gotten really hooked on taking photos wherever I go. Plus, I've now got a really nice camera for the first time in my life and I've really enjoyed delving into the hobby of photography.

And don't worry... I'm still planning on posting photos, I'll just be doing it weekly from now on! My goal is to post the highlights from the week on Sunday evening... and maybe once in awhile during the week, if it's something particularly nifty!

365 project 2009-2010

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