Project 365 - Day 365: Space Needle & a Seattle Sky

Aug 26, 2010 21:12

Well, here it is... the last one! Technically, it's an extra day, because somewhere along the line my numbering got off kilter by a day (I don't know if I just missed a day at some point or if I used a number twice). I wanted to do something cool for the last day and realized, after glancing through the last year's worth of photos, that I'd ( Read more... )

365 project 2009-2010

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Comments 22

dolphinchatter August 27 2010, 05:45:22 UTC

That's What you were doing!!

Great Idea!

Now I guess I've got to try.


_jems_ August 27 2010, 06:03:08 UTC
Congratulations, that's quite a feat completing a massive project like this.

And I'm happy to hear you'll continue posting pictures. I may not comment often, but I enjoy having these posts pop up regularly on my flist.


fenchurche August 27 2010, 18:00:56 UTC
It feels really good... even though I didn't quite manage to actually post a photo every day on the day (sometimes simply because I was too tired to write anything out about it, other times because I didn't have access to a computer), I did at least succeed in filling out the calendar! Now I just need to remember to actually post *something* from time to time. The photos were a good excuse to have things to talk about...


emmaco August 27 2010, 06:56:25 UTC
It's been great seeing the huge variety of photos you've put up this year! I've really enjoyed it, so thanks.


debris4spike August 27 2010, 07:01:56 UTC
A stunning way to finish.

I have enjoyed your year, even though I haven't often commented. I really must get back to posting - the friend who did the meme alongside me, posts every week.

I must do that.

Well Done


fenchurche August 27 2010, 18:03:06 UTC
I'm really hoping I can continue to do this on a weekly basis. I'd actually attempted to start this one by posting the daily photos once a week and never quite managed it. I really needed the daily part of it in order to keep up with it... but I'm hoping that now I've got the habit, it won't be hard to continue!

And I highly recommend doing it! Like I said, this has been the best documented year of my life... and it's amazing to be able to go back and look over the photos and realize how little time has really passed.


Day 356! curiouswombat August 27 2010, 07:37:09 UTC
Hurrah! Congratulations! It feels so good to have kept it up for the whole year, doesn't it?

As for; What I've ended up with is probably the best documented year of my life and I've gotten really hooked on taking photos wherever I go.

That's exactly how I felt too.


Re: Day 356! fenchurche August 27 2010, 18:04:12 UTC
It does! I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do it! But I love being able to go back now and look over the past year... and realize exactly how little time really passes between events in my life.


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