Project 365 - Day 363: Proof of My Sanity

Aug 25, 2010 17:01

On Tuesday, I got to the end of the day realizing I hadn't had a chance to get a photo of anything interesting... so, once again, I reached back in time to this post from 29 January 2009 to get an idea for something to do. I decided that I absolutely had to fulfill tomte's request before I finished up the year! So, under the cut, you'll get to see a photo of the actual, original item that I consider to be proof of my sanity.

Day 363: In which you learn how my brain works.

I'm guessing, with just a few exceptions who already know the story, that it's not what you were expecting!

A very long time ago, there really only used to be two types of M&Ms: plain and peanut. And then I started hearing ads on the radio and seeing commercials on TV touting a brand new type! Peanut Butter M&Ms! I even spotted some on the shelf at a local grocery store... so I started telling people about them. And no one believed me.

Even worse, I quit hearing and seeing the ads... So, I dragged someone (and I now don't remember if it was rackham or tomte) to the grocery store with me to pick up a bag as proof it existed. Except it wasn't there.

Okay, fine. At that point, I became convinced that I must have created them in a dream and somehow convinced myself that I'd seen them in the waking world... although why I'd be dreaming up new M&Ms, I had no idea. So I started telling everyone that, well, they weren't real after all (and, interestingly, people were actually more willing to believe that than they had been to believe there were new M&Ms). Until I was on the phone with my mom one day and said "Oh, btw, don't know if I mentioned Peanut Butter M&Ms to you, but..." Only I never got to finish because she replied "Oh yeah! They're really good!"


Yes, it sort of blew my mind at the time, because I'd really convinced myself that they were a figment of my imagination. Of course, the very next time I found them in a store I bought a bag to share around at our next party and that's the bag you see in the photo. I just had to keep it as proof of my sanity!

365 project 2009-2010

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