Project 365 - Day 362: A gamer and his fez

Aug 25, 2010 14:26

On Monday, rackham needed a photo taken with him wearing a fez (it was a requirement for a pathtag trade he wanted to make... and it would probably take much longer than I want to spend in order to explain that), and it just so happens that he owns a very nice fez!

Day 362: A fez and its gamer.

Many years ago, in the comic strip PvP, one of the characters showed up wearing a fez... claiming it gave him an edge when playing videogames. So, I went online and tracked down a company that sold fezzes (and, of course, it turned out to be a Masonic supply company, meaning we got Masonic supply catalogues for a few years afterward until they finally dropped us) and gave it to him as a gift (can't recall if it was Christmas or his birthday). And Rackham will still put it on, from time to time, when he's playing videogames. I have no idea whether it actually helps.

365 project 2009-2010

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