Project 365 - Day 361: Mamey sapote

Aug 25, 2010 14:13

Gonna try to get caught up today, so that I'm current in time for the last day!

For Sunday's photo, you get a look at something I stumbled across last Wednesday at the DeKalb Farmer's Market (which is more like an extremely large specialty grocery store than what I consider to be a farmer's market). In the produce section, I found something I'd never seen or even heard of before, labeled simply as "Mamey," and decided I just *had* to get one. It traveled pretty well in my carryon and Sunday evening, we decided to give it a try.

Day 361: Funky fruit.

So, there it is... unpeeled and unsliced and looking just a bit like a smooth, dehusked coconut (although nowhere near as hard... in fact, it felt a bit like a smooth ripe kiwifruit). And as I mentioned, I'd never even heard of these things before, much less seen one. They're apparently native to Southern Mexico, but are also grown in Florida nowadays. So, yeah, I was pretty intrigued!

Bonus photo: Funky on the inside.

Bright orange!!! I wasn't expecting that... although I wasn't terribly surprised by the seed. I'd read descriptions of the fruit, saying the texture was a bit like an avocado and the flavor like a mix of sweet potato, pumpkin and maraschino cherry. I would agree on the texture, but the flavor is, well, pretty hard to describe. There was definitely a floral note to it, so I might say pumpkin and papaya, maybe? And, oddly, the sweet cherry shows up, just a little, as an aftertaste.

Not sure I like it, to be honest, but apparently it gets use a lot to make smoothies and ice cream and I could see where it would work well for that. Part of it, for me, was the texture (and for all I know, it was overripe and bruised from transport), but if it were blended with other fruit, it could be quite tasty! I might have to check around here to see if anyone carries them so I can try it again.

365 project 2009-2010

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