{20-23 April 2015}

Apr 23, 2015 20:16

femslash_today needs your help! Sign up to be a May/June archivist

- Hurts so Good by 4kennedy - Felicity/Sara

{Attack on Titan}
- Survival by silvr_dagger - Historia/Ymir

{the Cabin in the Woods}
- The Meaning Of by temari778 - Jules/Dana

{the Devil Wears Prada}
- Their Song by heartbigapple - Miranda/Andy
- Chapter 40 of For Once by heartbigapple - Miranda/Andy
- The Letter: Three Years Later by mlgummer - Miranda/Andy

{Grey's Anatomy}
- Chapter 17 of Well Maybe What You Want is Right Here by northern_road - Arizona/Callie
- Part 5 of The Shade of Yesterday - Callie/Arizona
- callie_arizona - 11x21 Episode Discussion
- Fic Search

{Harry Potter}
- Beneath the Moonlight We Lie by Anonymous - Pansy/Hermione
- Part 2 of Break a Little, Heal a Lot by ayebydan - Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomphrey (off-lj link)
- femmefest Master List

{the Hunger Games}
- rose by write_x_always - Katniss Everdeen/Johanna Mason

- Stay Dolly by swan_secrets - Dawn/Drusilla (Buffy; off-lj link)
- Unsaid Warning by Eaweek - Willow/Tara (Buffy; off-lj link)
- Pieces: The Prologue by finficqueen5093 - Buffy/Faith (Buffy; off-lj link)
- Chapters 1-4 of A Dream Come True? by smexywolfgirl - Buffy/Tara
- Fic Search - Willow/Tara

- Lipstick Traces by alba17 - Bobbi/Skye (Agents of Shield)

{Once Upon a Time}
- Normal [Monsters] by syrensoul_red - Regina/Emma
- Thornily by salmon_pink - Cruella/Ursula

{Orphan Black}
- Light of Day by temari778 - Kira/Charlotte

{Teen Wolf}
- Part 4 (Autumn) of Copper and axinite by kwritten - Allison/Lydia (crossover with Buffy: the Vampire Slayer)

- For Real by alba17 - Elphaba/Galinda

{Zenda novels (Anthony Hope)}
- The Shame of the Strofzins by el_steplador - OFC/OFC

- slashthedrabble - Challenge 355- Carnival

once upon a time, devil wears prada, teen wolf, jossverse: buffy (series), harry potter, agents of shield, orphan black, hunger games(the), wicked, cw: arrow, grey's anatomy

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