Lipstick Traces - Challenge 455 - Agents of SHIELD (Bobbi/Skye)

Apr 20, 2015 14:00

Title: Lipstick Traces
Fandom: Agents of SHIELD
Prompt:: Challenge 455: Rose
Author: alba17
Pairing: Bobbi/Skye
Rating: G
Length: 150 words
Summary: There’s more to Bobbi than it seems.
A/N: I kind of want to pair Bobbi with every female character on Agents of SHIELD.

Skye was just getting settled into After Life when they moved her. The apartment had clearly been used recently; there were even a few items left from the prior inhabitant. Annoyed, Skye started throwing things into a garbage bag: used tissues, empty cans, moldy food from the fridge.The bathroom was even worse. Shampoo bottles, half-used ovals of soap, some make-up in the drawers.


These people may be offspring of the Inhuman, but they sure weren’t neat and tidy.

She was going through the crap in the bathroom when she came upon a tube of lipstick. It was an unusual brand and the color was familiar: “Rose Twilight.”

Her breath caught. She’d never seen anyone else use this particular lipstick.


Memories of moments caught, mouths and limbs sticky and entwined, fear of discovery. Nobody suspected, nobody knew. Always there was that connection.

Now she knew why.

challenge455, author: alba17, fandom: agents of shield

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