Title: Fate/Coincidence Author: Coco | madampresident | grrriliketigers on AO3 Fandom: Modern Family | Claire/Gloria Prompt: 566: Soulmate Word Count: 100 Summary: Do you believe in fate?
Title: good morning, good morning (to you) Fandom: Shadowhunters Pairing: Clary/Isabelle Prompt: Challenge 566 - soul mates Rating: T Warnings: Implied sexual content Word Count: 250 Summary: "What kind of dreams were you having?" Izzy teases, burying a yawn into the back of Clary's shoulder while she drifts her hand a little lower, under the waistband of
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Title: Believing Prompt: 566 - soulmate Fandom: DC Comics Pairing: Harley/Ivy, Harley/other Rating: PG-13 Word count: 244 Summary: “I wanted to show you before, but I wasn’t sure that you would believe me.”