Then I'm putting out the lantern, find your own way back home.

Apr 03, 2008 23:33

So, yeah, you know how I disappeared for a bit a few weeks ago? I'm probably going to have to do that again soon. I have three fics to write in the next six weeks with a total of at least 80,000 words if not more (I really wish I wouldn't write plot sometimes), and April is annual report and quarterly corporate magazine month at work. So I might have some stretches of radio silence here, depending on how crazy it gets. I can be reached through email though if needed.

Saturday I'm seeing Rhett in Baltimore with djinnj and ze_dragon...I'll be the one sitting in the backseat of the car, laptop perched on my knees as I try my damnedest to finish my hp_beholder fic (Is it betaing if you read your paragraphs out loud to fangirls while hurtling down the Interstate?) and get more of my Snarry Games fic knocked out. Still. RHETT. I really need to immerse myself in Rhett this week, even if it's just for a few hours. It's been that kind of week. :/

I've been listening to Pretty.Odd at supergrover24 and luciamad's urging. I have some mixed feelings about it. I like it a lot better than A Fever You Can't Sweat Out--I burned out on that album rather quickly, to be honest, because it wasn't really the type of music I gravitate to long-term. Pretty.Odd has more of what I think of as the genres that have more of a pull on me musically, and I think Northern Downpour in particular is an incredibly gorgeous song--I've had it on repeat a good portion of today. (Both album and alt versions.) It reminds me a lot of early Ryan Adams and that sort of slow, sweet folk-rock-indie sound; this is the kind of song that would fit perfectly on the Elizabethtown soundtrack, for example. And I adore Folkin' Around more than I can adequately express in words. I think it's fucking brilliant. I would be all \0/ if Brendon Urie put out a solo folk/alt country album. Seriously. He has a quirky-pretty voice that seriously works for folk and I for one would be thrilled beyond all belief. (Frankly, Brendon Urie is a damn good musician, particularly for his age. I'm intrigued to see how he's going to develop.)

The obviously Beatles-inspired songs make me uneasy though. I can't quite describe it. It's...okay, look, I'm a huge Beatles fan. And it's rather disconcerting to hear direct influences in the music where you go...wait, what, that sounds an awful lot like [insert name of song]. I don't know. Honestly, I don't dislike the songs--I like most of them in fact. But there's that annoyed little niggle in the back of my brain that says hi, boys, can you please stop trying to sound like John, Paul, George and Ringo? It seriously interferes with my enjoyment of the album. I think that's why I prefer the folky songs. If I wasn't so into the Beatles, I think I'd be able to divorce myself enough to enjoy Pretty.Odd in its entirety. Because it is a good album and well worth the money spent on it.

Anyway. I have to finish laundry and get at least one scene finished before I go to bed....

fandom: bandslash: panic, writing, music: rhett miller

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