Answers to that blog meme

Mar 15, 2008 23:03

I think I might possibly have combined the blog meme with the rant meme... Oops. Enter at own risk.

woman_of wanted to know: What was the first book you read that made you think, I am going to have a career in books in some form?

I can't really say it was any one moment or any one book (I used to read like 5-10 books a week, so really, no way of knowing that) that influenced my career choice. To be frank, when I visited the guidance counselor at the University because I had no idea what I wanted to study and she asked me what were my interests, I said "Reading" and somehow I ended up studying to be a librarian, mostly just to do something while I tried to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. Well, once I started studying it I actually liked it. Cataloguing was very much like trying to solve puzzles, something I liked doing. And of course I loved books so that helped.

Writing, which I kinda wish was my career, is on the other hand something I was encouraged to do by my grandfather, who was a writer and a poet himself, from very early on. I wrote short stories in school but after I graduated I just stopped, having no motivation anymore. Until I stumbled upon Buffy fanfiction many years later. And after reading those for about a year I decided to try my hand at a scenario I wanted to read but couldn't find. And the rest, as they say, is history. I'm only now again trying my hand at original fiction. It will be interesting to see how that pans out.

gileswench said: I'd love to read your thoughts on any aspect of fashion you care to discuss.

Now, as I told her, I'm not really the fashionable type but I'll try my best. Thing is, most of the fads everyone seems to get caught up in? They are U-G-L-Y!! Pointy toes shoes? Hate them with a fiery passion. I have humongous feet to start with, I'm not gonna add ten centimeters to them! Those bladder sweater/dresses things? I mean really, it's like wearing a limp balloon. The eighties are laughed at for a reason, people. I was a teenager in the eighties, I know what I'm talking about. I still have nightmares! Bringing back the eighties fashion is like bringing back the plague. Whoever decided that was a good idea should be shot! And remember the baggy pants fad? Where every teenage guy's butt looked like it had leaked down to his knees? Seriously, they thought they'd catch the eye of the opposite sex (because, let's face it, the gay guys knew better) by wearing something that made their asses look like a Teletubby's? Major fail.

Then there's the thing where I start to get interested in something just about when it's going OUT off fashion. So I'm like "Those pants look kinda ok, maybe I should buy some?" only to find out they've stopped selling them because something new and U-G-L-Y has taken their place in the great master plan of the fashionistas. *scowls*

thehighwaywoman said: I'd love to hear your thoughts on Yaoi.

Haha!! I probably should have taken that off the list too. Because apart from some Japanese Wincest stories, (which I think are considered to be yaoi, right?) that someone uploaded I have hardly read any. In fact the only thing I know about yaoi is that it's the slash part of manga. And manga... Well, as someone who was brought up reading a lot of European comics (Modesty Blaise (which is my favourite comic ever), Spirou, Gaston, Lucky Luke, Tintin etc) neither American nor Asian comics interest me that much. The American ones are so much about the superheroes which bore me. I want real people, thank you. (Although I do admit I read The Phantom since it was a big thing in Sweden/Norway when I was growing up. Still is.) All that spandex and capes and ridiculously gigantic muscles... nah. I do love Calvin&Hobbes though. Best thing ever. But the Japanese stuff, well the gigantic eyes kinda creep me out. They all look like aliens. And... the same. Sorry. I'm sure they're great, it's just not a style that appeals to me.


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