Heads up for those interested in icecon_2008

Mar 16, 2008 11:30

I did a mod post last night that I'd appreciate if you took a look at. Over here. I know it's been forever since I even mentioned it but it's still very much on and now I need to know who of you think they're actually coming. So please, whether your answer is yes or no, please go over there and let me know.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about but might be interested, here's the gist:

Basically I got tired of everyone on my flist going to cons all the time in some faraway obscure places I had no chance of ever afford going to. So after some consideration and a couple of beers I decided to organize one myself. Muhammad and the mountain or something like that.

icecon_2008 will be held August 7th-10th, in Reykjavík/Hafnarfjörður Iceland. A lose schedule of events can be found here. I'm looking at possible places for you to stay since unfortunately I can only fit so many in our living room. A list of them will be up in a couple of days.

The date was chosen because it's the Gay Pride weekend and I want to take you dancing with the pretty boys/girls. The parade is fabulous too and it's quite spectacular to witness over 1/5 of the WHOLE COUNTRY turn up to show support. For a city of only 110.000 have 50-60.000 joining the Gay Pride Parade... well, it's quite something. This year promises to be grand because not only is it Reykjavik's Gay Pride's ten year anniversary in Iceland but it's been 30 years since Samtökin 78, the Icelandic LGBT organization was founded.

Iceland is probably the most expensive country in the whole world. Just to warn you. But it's also worth it.

I'm gonna use the Easter vacation to try and put together a decent info package for you and post at icecon_2008. Places to go, things to see, the price of beer etc. If anyone is interested and think they can make it, please go over to the con and let me know.

Ps. I expect every single one of my Icelandic flistmembers to participate, just so you know. *stern look* Ok, maybe not but really, how many chances do you get to meet people on your flist and talk about fandoms and slash and pretty gay boys and James' pretty pout and Jared's gigantic penis? Not many, I tell you.

icecon 2008

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