(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 00:48

So, as you may remember, a couple of days ago I got really drunk with my best friend and told her that 1) I write fanfiction 2) I write slash and 3) I'm kinda maybe bi.

Well, we haven't talked since but I'm not jumping on the OMG!WhatdidIdo!! train yet, since to be fair we don't talk that often anyway. (I might on the other hand be feeling slightly nervous because I gave her stuff to read and maybe she thought it was awful and that's why she hasn't dared call. *hides*)

Anyway, I thought I'd link her to some material that better explains what we're doing here. I had been thinking Wikipedia but frankly, what is written there makes me feel like I'm a total weirdo so no, think I'll skip that. But I know people have written meta about this stuff. Like why do we write fanfic, why do we write/read slash, the arguments for and against RPS, what is the point of AUs etc. If anyone has links to anything like that handy I would be forever grateful.

I'd also love it if you could point me to your favourite character metas. Both Buffy and Supernatural fandom. You know: Spike and Angel's relationship. Who is Dean behind all that bravado? Sam's life and how it has made him the man he is today. The philosophy of Buffy. The dynamics of Supernatural. And so on. Stuff like that.

There is so much on spn_heavymeta that I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed, trying to pick what would give her the deepest insight into the series. And for Buffy... Is there such a community? Anyway, any help would be deeply appreciated.

[ETA. The stuff I gave her to read was all gen but I thought since she knows now I write slash I might risk giving her some of that to read. I was thinking Starting Over, Blackout and maybe Differences Aside from the Buffy fandom and In a Mirror Distorted and Indistinct from the SPN (Jsquared since I'm not showing her Wincest) and maybe A Moment of Normalcy (In Our Life of Chaos) since that's fairly innocent. Yay or nay on any of them? Some other suggestions? Please tell. I'm trying to find stuff that I consider fairly well written and doesn't have too graphic sex scenes, especially not non-con. Which, to be frank, many of my Spangel stories have, Blackout included, but I still think it's among the best written one which is why I picked it. *ponders*]

coming out of the fanfic closet, rl friends

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